Sunday, March 8, 2009


This transmition is being sent to you from the Taj Mahal.  However, despite having already seen the Taj Mahal earlier this morning, I am not going to include today’s events until next week’s post.  So back to this week.  The week didn’t start out that well.  I returned to the Home Monday afternoon after spending the day in Yavatmal to the fact that the well had maybe two feet of water in it.  Obviously this is no good for a home with 60 kids, but add the fact that is doesn’t rain in this region till July and August and you have a real problem on your hand.  Luckily that night Daddy was able to go to a nearby restaurant owner and pay him to pump water into our well.  This is nice for the time being, but we can’t always rely on that.  This region experiences this type of drought every year, but this year is worse than others.  The rainy season was very poor and didn’t provide the people with enough water.  That’s why the kids are getting out of school early and the nursery kids have already gone home.  Right before dinner Mommy was told by the high school girls that Esther, Jyostna and Suvarna skipped class during lunch time and went to a restaurant and ate food.  The high schoolers got out early on Monday and saw these three girls on their way home from school.  I had not seen Mommy cry before, and these three girls had disappointed Mommy so much that she couldn’t hold back any longer.  I was sitting with Mommy, Dede and Auntie during dinner that night and Mommy wasn’t eating her food.  Auntie kept saying, “Eat Mommy.  You have to eat.”  But she just kept turning her head away from the kids and starring off into the night.  However, Mommy let me show the kids the photos from our trip to Rajesh’s village, which he wasn’t there to watch.  Tuesday night was also able to show the fourth video I made about 1.5 months ago.

English classes went alright this week until it was time for me to give them an oral exam.  All this week I had the 1-4 and the 5-7 students reviewing all the things we’ve learned this year, getting them ready for the oral exam I was going to give them on Friday.  When Friday came around I was surprised with the exams.  They took way longer than I thought and most of the kids didn’t do so well.  So I wondered if it was me or them?  Some of the kids got all the questions correct, and they are the ones who are always paying attention to me when I teach and never goof around.  The ones that struggled the most are the ones who goof off in class and are always doing other work and not listening to me.  I wasn’t able to finish the exams, even when I tried to finish them after dinner.  Although I wasn’t able to finish, I already know what the kids need to work on before I give them a written exam on the Friday after I get back: Everything.  I will ask Mommy if I can make it optional for the ones who got perfect scores on their oral exams to make it easier for me to teach the others.  I think most of them got over excited because it was a test.  Some of the students who answer the same questions everyday weren’t able to answer them during the exam.  I had to stop some of them and tell them to breathe.  For my high school class I wasn’t able to have a consistent class because current would come and go at unpredictable times and they also had a weird schedule for school.  They would go early some days, and other days normal.  And from Thursday on, the only have school for like one hour a day.  They leave at 7:00 and are back by 9:30.

All my crew are now gone.  The last three left on Tuesday.  It was sad seeing them leave.  On Wednesday I pretended to play tag with them in front of the girls’ hall, our old stomping ground.  The other kids just laughed at me.  On Friday we had an ice cream party for the kids to celebrate everyone’s birthday.  Doug and Lu had wanted to have an ice cream party for Jyostna’s birthday so Danny bought butterscotch ice cream for all the kids and we had a mass celebration.  That mass celebration was the last time I would have with the kids as I left Saturday morning with Mommy and Daddy because we had to leave to Nagpur right after Mommy got done with duty.  So like I said, Danny and I are now in Agra, we saw the Taj Mahal earlier today, but those pictures and account wont appear until next week’s entry.  From Agra we leave Monday evening at 16:00 and arrive Pune at 16:00 Tuesday.  So looking forward to that tomorrow.  But then we have a fun filled week scheduled for next week in Pune, so that will be fun.  Until then, take care.

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